What is a Crystal Grid? A crystal grid is created when you combine 2 or more crystals in proximity to one another. This combination creates a unique synergy between the crystals that feels different from each of the individual crystals on their own.
A crystal grid is an arrangement of energetically aligned crystals, stones, and other items* charged by intention, on a specific geometric shape in a sacred space that focuses the universal force in a particular way for a determined purpose.
There are many crystal grid designs based on the teachings of sacred geometry, and each has a precise use and meaning. The crystal grids shown are on a cherry wood flower of life mandala my husband made for me, and are shared in our homes kitchen where I spend a lot of time.
Consider the location… it’s nice to take a moment to decide where you want the grid, and how long you intend to have it in place. Are you using any type of alter cloth or other materials to define your grid area? Is it in an area where it will be disturbed or in the way?
Creating a crystal grid is a potent way to tap into and amplify the energies of your intentions; and is used by many as a meditation practice.
Creating an intention… this means you decide what you want the grid to amplify, support or signify. What is your purpose for this particular grid? Maybe you want to attract or manifest something like a new job or relationship; create something artistic, or anything else you want to bring into physical form. Perhaps you want to forgive, release, or even shift something that you’ve been stressing over.
Once you’ve decided on your crystal grid intention look at the crystals and stones and choose the one that represents this intention best for you and this will be your center stone, the anchor or focus crystal for the grid.
Place your center anchor stone first and then you can begin placing additional surrounding crystals, stones, and other items* to your grid… allow yourself to flow naturally with what you want to occur for you and the crystal grid.
Take time to clearly state your intentions and define the aspects that are represented in your crystal grid as you set your crystals and other items. Allow the process of crystal gridding to be joyful… savor the time you spend connecting with your intentions.
When you’re done creating your personal crystal grid it’s time to activate it and send your intentions out into the universe. Another crystal, pendulum, or wand maybe used as an activation device to direct your energy and intentions into the grid to turn it on. Consider using an affirmation, blessing, mantra, or prayer to clearly state your intention; or you can use a simple statement like ‘Please activate this grid and amplify its energies for the highest well being of all, harm to none, and so it may be.’
*other items: You might consider candles, flowers or herbs; a figurine or statue, jewelry, photos, or other beloved items.
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