Saturday, December 31, 2016

Hope you all had a Happy Holiday Season, and don't forget to make 
special New Years Wishes for 2017!

#gators #happyholidayseason #hearthnhomenyllc #hnhgateway #livinggreen 
#newyearswishes #noordinarychick

Winter Warming Crock of Oats


2 heaping cups Organic Old Fashioned rolled Oats
1/4th cup dried Black Currants (Cranberries and Raisons will work nicely too)
1/4th heaping cup slivered Almonds (or any variety of nuts or seeds your hankering for)
2 cups 2% Milk (or any variety of preference such as Almond, Hemp, Rice, etc.)
2 cups Spring Water
a pinch of Sea Salt and a dash of Cinnamon
a small crock pot

At bedtime put all the ingredients in your lil crock pot; stir once to blend, and turn the crock on low just as you got to bed… 
When you wake the next morning you have a delightful Winter warming Crock of Oats to brighten the start of your day!

Many thanks to Lady Cupcake for inspiring this recipe. 
#blackcurrants #cinnamon #crockpot #healthyeating #livinggreen #2%milk #naturalfoods #noordinarychick #oatmeal #organicfoods #organicoldfashionedrolledoats #winterwarmingcrockofoats #seasalt #sliveredalmonds #springwater

Monday, November 21, 2016

No Ordinary Chick's Fresh Holiday Seasoned Stuffing


Choose three or more of your favorite varieties of bread:
Challah, Peasant, Pumpernickel, Rye, Semolina, Sourdough, Whole Grain or Wheat. Cut the bread into cubes and place in a large food processor; pulse until rough crumbs.

Spread your bread crumb mix in a shallow baking pan; the more surface area, the faster the crumbs will dry.

Season heavily by shaking over the top with your choice of dried spice varieties:
Black Pepper, Celery Salt, Chervil (or Parsley), Garlic Powder, Marjoram, Onion Powder, Oregano, Paprika, Sea Salt, Thyme, and Winter Savory.

Melt some butter and drizzle it over the top as you mix the seasonings in; mix well, then repeat the seasoning process a second time.

Place the seasoned stuffing mix in a preheated 300-degree oven, stirring every 1⁄2 hour until dry. *If drying a larger batch, you can increase your oven temperature to 325 degrees.

Set aside to cool. When the stuffing is cool bag it in an oven bag, close it tightly removing the air and store it in a cool dry place for up to a month.

No Ordinary Chick’s Seasoned Stuffing Mix… Hints
You’re all ready to add your favorite ingredients to your dry seasoned stuffing mix:

In a large skillet sauté your favorites in butter; such as apples, celery, fresh herbs, mushrooms, pecans (nuts & seeds), scallions(onions), and water chestnuts… then toss gently into your bread mix. Some people like to add dried fruits, and sausage, it’s really up to your cooking style.

You can cook your vegetable trimmings and your birds’ giblets n neck in boiling water, and use that along with some extra hot poultry stock; reserving some liquid to baste and make gravy.

Add hot stock blend to your stuffing mix in 1 cup increments until desired consistency is achieved; your stuffing should stick together, but not be too wet.

You can bake stuffing separately; covered lightly in a 350-degree oven for 30-45 minutes… or

You can stuff both ends of your holiday bird; it’s easiest to form small balls and press in lightly, pin closed the neck side, and an end of bread works great to seal up the top side stuffing opening.
You’re all ready to baste, season, and bake at 350 degrees; don’t forget to tent your bird with parchment paper for the first hour or so to heat evenly. After the first hour or so depending on how large your bird is, remove your tent and baste every ½ hour to keep it moist and brown evenly.

Let your bird stand at least 10 minutes upon finish; then remove stuffing and carve… enjoy!

#apples #bird #butter #blackpepper #breadvarieties #celery #celerysalt #challahbread #chevril #driedfruits #driedspicevarieties #freshherbs #garlicpowder #healthyeating #holiday #livinggreen #marjoram #mushrooms #naturalfoods #noordinarychick #nuts&seeds #onionpowder #oregano #paprika #parsley #peasentbread #pecans #poultrystock #pumpernicklebread #ryebread #sausage #scallions #seasalt #seasonedstuffingmix #semolinabread #sourdoughbread #stuffedholidayturkey #stuffing #thanksgiving #thyme #turkey #waterchectnuts #wholegrainbread #wholewheatbread #wintersavory

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Choose Your Greens for the Nutrition They Offer You

Let’s face it greens are always good for us; but each type offers its own special blend of nutrients, so here are a few unique facts about some of our favorites…
These greens are also cold tolerant so you can find them fresh & local well into the fall season.

Chard leaves contain more than a dozen antioxidants,
anti-inflammatories, and detoxifiers, and acts as an effective
blood sugar regulator.

Endive is a great source of vitamins A, B’s, and K, as well as manganese; metabolizing carbohydrates, and assisting with brain and nerve function.

Kale is known as one of our healthiest foods; it lowers cholesterol and the risk for cancer, supports detoxification, and reduces inflammation.

Lettuce is low in calories, offers fiber, and several essential vitamins and minerals in just a small serving.

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins K and A, copper, folate, iron, manganese, and B vitamins. Cooked spinach offers vitamin C, potassium, protein, and may also protect the digestive tract from damage.

#chard #culinarygreens #endive #freshgreens #healthyeating #kale #lettuce 
#livinggreen #minerals #naturalfoods #nutrients #noordinarychick 
#nutrition #spinach #vitamins