Hopefully you’re choosing a Natural Bug Spray these days as there’s no doubt most insect repellants out there are loaded with toxic chemicals including the pesticide DEET, which is so poisonous that the Environmental Protection Agency says you should wash it off your skin when you return indoors, avoid breathing it in, and not spray it directly on your face.
I started to read about the documented health effects caused by DEET exposure; found the following note, and felt I need not say more...
*DEET is an effective solvent, and may dissolve some plastics, rayon, spandex, other synthetic fabrics, and painted or varnished surfaces including nail polish.
So how do you know the bug spray you choose is safe?
As a Certified Aromatheropist the first rule is the FDA requires that all the ingredients be listed; not blended essential oils, but each essential oil and ingredient are listed, if they are not the product is not a safe choice.
There are a large group of essential oils, carrier, oils, and extracts that are efficient pest helpers, not to mention all the herbs! Some are safe for dogs and horses as well as people, and a few are safe for cats although they are the most sensitive.
A quality Geranium Essential Oil will kill ticks on contact; we use a q-tip to dab it directly on, wait a moment and then removing the dead tick is easily done with a tweezer. This is an ingredient you may want to look for if you’re going to be in the woods.
No Ordinary Chick makes an essential oil synergy ‘Don’t Bug Me Spray’ safe for use with dogs, horses, and people during regular outdoor activities, and the ingredients are listed. You can get yours online under the Living Green tab at http://noordinarychick.com
#aromatherapy #bugspray #essentialoil #insectrepellant #livinggreen #noordinarychick