Butterfly is the embodiment of spiritual growth and transcendence perhaps more than any other life form on earth, because of the transformation from caterpillar to Butterfly.
The purpose of the life of every Butterfly is to set everything that was once known aside and to embrace an entire new way of being.
The Butterfly totem is here to guide us on this journey of freedom, freedom from the past through the ascension process of becoming higher our self.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
This unique species of swallowtail is a quick and strong flier, gliding when able.
The males are a bright yellow, while the females can exhibit two different color forms; yellow and black and black and blue. The darker form is more common in the southern states.
The caterpillar is just as remarkable; it resembles a small snake with eyespots.
This butterfly particularly enjoys pink, purple, and red flowers, and is a wonderful visitor to any garden.
Its average wingspan is 3 - 6 inches; and its habitat ranges to fields, parks, and suburbs.
Echinacea was commonly used by Native Americans for hundreds of years before the arrival of European explorers, settlers and colonizers. It is endemic to eastern and central North America and thrives in moist to dry prairies and open woodlands.
Echinacea is one of the most well-known and popular herbal remedies. In fact, Echinacea tincture was the first “Snake Oil” sold by old time peddlers as a cure-all for everything from cancer to snake bites.
Perhaps a little too popular, two of the nine species of this beautiful native plant are listed on the endangered plant list. The high demand of Echinacea means fields of this herb are plowed up for the medicinal root. If you buy Echinacea, make sure it’s not wild crafted but organically cultivated instead.
The most commonly used medicinal variety is Echinacea purpurea, or Purple Coneflower.
It is best known for it’s immune-stimulating properties, this herb works by boosting white blood cell production. It’s a general infection-fighter, and can be used internally or topically to treat anything from bronchitis to acne.
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